Every day, we utilize the communication and relationship-building skills we learned in Dimensions of Professional Selling (DPS) sales training to drive our sales effectiveness with customers and prospects. But if we limit application of these skills only to our professional lives, we may be missing out! Here are just a few examples of how your DPS skills will enhance your personal life:
Odds Are – When you return home at the end of your day, who gets to go first talking about their day? Do you show the appropriate amount of interest in hearing details from others, or do you just wait for your turn to talk about your day?
LAER – Spouse mad at you? Use LAER to defuse his/her anger and gain a complete understanding of the issue and his/her needs and motivations. Practicing LAER at home can get you out of the dog house today and prevent future occurrences down the road. It’s also not a bad way to model the behavior you’d like in return.
GAP Analyses – This is a terrific tool for teens, or anyone who has a tendency to think in terms of immediate need, versus broader, strategic goals. For example, say your daughter wants to go hang out at her boyfriend’s house where you’re not sure if any adults will be home. After exploring to confirm her desired outcome of spending time with him AND staying in your good graces, see if other alternatives would satisfy all her goals: coming to your house, going to the mall, or hanging out at Starbucks.
Diamond Presentation Process – Its simplicity makes it a terrific tool for teens to use in their class presentations. Teaching them to end their key statements with a Benefit statement that connects to their audience’s “desired outcome” will help make that high-impact connection they’re looking for and possibly ace the assignment. For once, you may lend advice that your teenager actually uses!
JADIK Matrix – This is such a powerful tool for improving the quality of challenging relationships, whether it’s your imposing mother-in-law or a “difficult” peer at work. Working on expanding the Common Ground will improve the relationship, reduce conflict, and facilitate cohesion.
DPS participants often share how the tools and practices they learn in DPS sales training also improve their personal relationships. Leveraging these practices in your personal life will also sharpen your skills for better application on the job.