Carew International
Carew International

5 Secrets of Sales Leadership Training Programs for a Successful Business

For any company of a certain scale, the Sales and Marketing teams are the pillars whereupon actual success can be measured. Whether we speak of a manufactured or processed product, assembly line production, or services; the sales executives actually bring in the profits. This is why the top team managers and sales executives also need […]

Temptations of the Sales Professional

In a recent article for The Business Journals titled, For Best Results, Avoid Temptation at Work, bestselling author Harvey Mackay provides a cautionary tale for all levels in the organisation about the pitfalls that tempt us daily. Per the usual for Mackay, it is an entertaining and interesting read. Temptation is a desire to engage […]

Do You Have What It Takes To Negotiate Like A True Expert?

Are you comfortable in asking what you want? As a business builder or a professional expert, you should be comfortable in asking for what you want. The most difficult part is that as human beings we have a tendency to get comfortable not only in asking for what we want, but also the way we […]

7 Reasons Why You’re Still A Rookie in Retail

Most of the salesperson complain about one common problem and that is: even after spending years in the retail industry, various elements ranging from consulting, sales to marketing; everything is as complicated as it can be. Despite of the hard-work and efforts, the performance seems to be moving nowhere. So, where does the issue lie? […]

Master The Skills Of Sales And Be Successful

Mastering the skills of marketing can take years of practice. Becoming a sales leader has a lot of responsibilities and you will have to guide your team to success. The key aspect of mastering the skills of sales is to ensure that the buyer has proper understanding of the product or service that you are […]

How Important It Is To Learn Sales from an Expert

Selling is an acquired skill that only gets better with age and experience. If there are sincerity and dedication towards continuous learning and improvement, becoming a successful sales professional is only a matter of time. In this context, people who have had successful careers in the sales field can always provide valuable guidance by sharing […]

How Negotiations Skills Is Going to Change Your Business Strategies

Effective negotiation is just not bargaining but interacting in a successful way with the clients to achieve goals and enhance customer satisfaction at a single go. Sales is significant for any business and negotiation a pillar of successful sales. A negotiation skills training course can help you get better business strategies. How? Let us checkout. […]

8 Rules of becoming an Efficient Negotiator

Knowing how to negotiate is a key issue for any entrepreneur. And like the ability to sell, this is a competition that you can develop through practice. Far from getting nervous or panicking, negotiation skills training is a great opportunity to get what you want. We share eight tips to achieve more successful results and […]

How Corporate Sales Training Improve Company’s Performance

What defines a company’s ROI? Basically ROI (Return on Investment) is the measure of amount of return on the company’s investment. The investment can be of many sorts, better IT tools, better pay to boost employees and investment in training of the employees. The investment in training part is mostly ignored by a lot of […]